
Blowing in a new season!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holidays are here! Make Stains On Your Carpet Disappear!

Holidays are here.   Children are excited with presents from Santa!   Thanksgiving day is over and your carpets may be ruined forever with chewing gum, wine spills, pet messes and the awful polish from getting ready with clean shiny shoes. 

But wait!  There are cures for those hard to get out carpet stains....let your holiday parties be carefree:  children laughing and playing with their new toys!  Adults party away with good cheers!  Teenagers doing their own thing and forgetting to let the dogs out!  Who cares!   Watch this awesome series.  Follow this link to the great tips on carpet cleaning.http://www.ehow.com/videos-on_9597_removing-carpet-stains-spots.html.

Save money on professional carpet cleaning! 

Wishing all a happy new year!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mulching Leaves

Raking leaves can be time consuming and tiresome.  But it doesn't have to be this way!

Mulching leaves is BETTER!  Mulch your leaves with the lawn mower.   It is recommended by the Scotts company web article to to leave the leaves mulched to the size of a dime and some grass will be seen poking through the layered leaf mulch.  I recommend viewing the link for more info on products and more.  Feed your Lawn to Speed Up the Process

  You will save money and help the environment by mulching leaves!  No need for a leaf blower, or leaf bags for dump site to burn. 

  You can also use your mulched leaves in your gardens!  By fertilizing naturally!  By layering the leaf mulch in flower beds soil drainage improves. http://sara-e-lewis.suite101.com/use-leaves-to-mulch-and-fertilize-naturally-a88139.

  Enjoy the autumn foliage!  New England offers gorgeous views!  Then, mulch those leaves and let the fertilization on your garden and lawn bring you continued joy in the Spring!

  Always remember in life to walk.  While running you may miss the views!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Getting A Grip On Faucets

   Having a drippy faucet is not only annoying but is extremely wasteful to our water supply http://www.care2.com/greenliving/home-water-conservation.html.  Simply changing a washer can remedy a problem.  Or a new faucet is in order.

.  Replacing a faucet is an easy task with the proper tools and some helpful hints.  Each new faucet is supplied with installing instructions.   But, sometimes like any projects problems can arise.  A couple hints will help the process. One is to have WD40 lubricant handy for the hard to remove lock nuts.
   Today many parts to the faucet installation is plastic and sometimes the parts in the box does need altering.  Granite top sinks can have a longer hole area where the faucet is set in.  Unfortunately the plastic lock nuts can not grab the threads of the faucet stems.  Don't fret!  Easy fix.  Faucet companies have adapters to extend the stems.  Or as I encountered with a certified plumber chose to use copper,  lock nuts that are much thinner than the plastic ones supplied.  This allows the threads of the stems efficient to lock into place.  
  Remember sometimes small projects run into issues but knowing a remedy to such problems can alleviate stress.  So go and fix a drippy or old faucet.  You are helping the water supply and bathroom and kitchen appearance immediately improves. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Taking Time Out!

     Taking time out from gardening and housecleaning chores; during these hot summer days, can refresh the senses with a renewed and energized mind and body.  
     How?  You may ask.
     One way is to visit the wine trail, orchards, and farms, and festivals in Connecticut.
     One wine festival is coming soon and it is sure to enhance with delight most everyone who attends taste and smell senses.   You can buy tickets by visiting: http://www.ctwine.com/index.php?wine_festival
     Gardening and enjoying a home of good health and cleanliness is refreshing and beautiful.  Also beautiful and refreshing is visiting the many scenic sites in http://www.seenewengland.com/connecticut_attractions.html Connecticut.  Enjoy and smile always in this great land of ours,
     Economic times are hard and sometimes difficult and causes frustration.  But, a fabulous way to push the blues away is to release the negativity from the world by visiting nature and it's beauty.
     Take time out from your garden maintenance and household chores and go!  Enjoy Life! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mokesh Cleaning Services (Helpful household and Garden Tips)): Stinging Nettle

Mokesh Cleaning Services (Helpful household and Garden Tips)): Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle

June 2011

Stinging Nettle

I had finished up a garden maintaince job; putting tools and gloves away and washing up. I walked through the yard admirering each of the many gardens on a clients property before I leave for the day. I came upon a pile of long stemmed weeds laying near one of the gardens. I immediatedly reached to remove them. Yikes!

My hand felt like it had been biiten by a swarm of bees! Was there thorns on this plant? It is not! "This plant has stinging hairs on its leaves and stems (link) which act like hypodermic needles injecting histamine, seratonin, and acetycholine; a stinging sensation" throughout the area that is touched humans or other animals. My hand included!

I washed my hand repeatedly. Scrubbing it with soap and water. I redid this wash again when I arrived home. The sensation was not painful but crazy irritating like pins and needles for approximately eight hours. Dossing my hand with peroxide and rubbing alcohol helped.

My advice! Beware of Stinging Nettle!

On the other hand; not pun intended, The Stinging Nettle plant has been used as a medicine and food source.